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“Now You Can Get Instant Access To A Practical “Hands On” Video Course
With Additional Over the Shoulder Video Tutorials Showing You
HOW to Leverage What You Learned In the Course”

Instantly Access These Videos Which Take You Step By Step Through The Technical Parts Of Putting Your Marketing Strategy in Place

From: Mike Mayhew
Date: Thursday, October 29, 2023

If you’re like most people, you’re going to be super excited about what you’re about to learn about real life marketing strategy.

But, it’s possible that you also may be like most people in that the “tech-y” stuff slows you down.

In fact, it makes some people give up altogether.

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered

I recorded a “hands on”, over the shoulder, step by step video course showing you all of the technical tricks that you’ll need to know to bring the strategies out of the classroom and into your business.

Here they are:

Video #1
Creating Free Educational Systems

Video #2
Direct Response – Part 1

Video #3
Direct Response – Part 2

Video #4
Direct Response – Testimonials

Video #5
Direct Marketing

Video #6
Media Marketing

Video #7
Media Marketing as a Journalist

Video #8
Information Marketing and Publishing – Part 1

Video #9
Zapier to Make Connections

Video #10
Set Up a Shopping Cart Product

Video #11
Setting Up a Bump Offer

Video #12
Set Up an Automated Campaign

Video #13
Set up GoToWebinar With A Bump Offer


Video #14
Set up a Zoom Webinar


Video #15
Multi-Stream to Social Media and Video Sharing


Video #16
Zoom Connection to Other Plaformsr


Video #17
Physical Products to Attain a Snail Mail List


Video #18
Sales Tracking with Your Autoresponder


Video #19
Tracking with Google Analytics


Video #20
Connecting Analytics to Your Autoresponder

WOW…We’ve Covered Everything, Right?

Whether you are deciding on how you’re going to do SEO to get more traffic or how you’re going to use coupons and discounts, these core principles will give you the tools you need to know exactly what to do and WHY you’re doing it.

Think of what it would be like to look at a new business trend and instantly know where it fits into your business, how to take advantage of it…or if it’s even worth your time. Once you understand the fundamentals of marketing strategy, you can apply them to any and everything you do in business. Remember, most of the people who get started like you will spend weeks trying to figure out this “tech stuff”.

Sure, they’ll know WHAT to do, but will they know HOW to do it?

You’re getting access to these 20  How To Videos walking you step by step what to do for just $27.00.

That’s nothing when you consider the time you save…getting you one step closer to earning more income.

And There’s nothing to worry about with my Money Back Guarantee

Please click the Add To Cart button now to get this valuable guide Today.

Get Instant Access Right Now!