Extremely Serious List Building Course
Lesson 1: Introduction
Audio Only
Once you complete the course you will have created a working funnel designed to collect emails and send them to your dedicated email list. Similar to the funnel diagram below:

To assist you in getting up and running quickly, we will be using Aweber as your autoresponder. That’s simply because it is one of the easiest to understand and work with. Not only that but its free for the first 500 subscriber contacts, providing just one list and an opt-in page. Ideal for a new marketer.

Here's Your First Assignment
Step 1: Watch or Listen to the Introductory Video/Audio. Take notes.
Step 2: Click Here to go to the Aweber Sign Up Page
Step 3: Click on the ,”Get Started For Free” button.
Step 4: Enter your first and last names together with your email address. Press the “Start Growing Today” button
Step 5: Check your email for verification that your account is setup. Click on the “Get Started” button to verify your email address to get started.
Step 6: Complete Steps 1, 2 and 3 on the Aweber.com/receipt.htm page
Step 7: Login and choose your plan. You can continue in FREE mode if that’s what you want Otherwise select one of the remaining plans.
Step 8: Now its time to create your list in Aweber. This is the list that will receive the email addresses that you capture with your lead magnet. You will need to name this list and enter you name or company name where applicable.
Watch the video below and/or the training in Aweber to actually build your list.
Extremely Serious List Building Course: Lesson 2
Once you have completed this assignment (and not before), Click Here to proceed to the next lesson.